Monday, November 06, 2006

Warp to 0m

So what does this mean? Well you can kiss goodbye to a People & Places full of insta bookmarks for starters, which should be a huge relief on the database. Lets say there are 100,000 subscribers with pretty much active accounts, each with a very conservative estimate of 5,000 bookmarks, that’s half a billion database records made redundant in 1 hit. So it’s a good thing for the servers performance and to help reduce lag, but is it a good thing for game play? For most law abiding citizens of EVE it will be a great boon, but a pain in the neck for your average gank-squad wanna-be pirate, who have just go the keys to Mummies Thorax for the 1st time. It will effectively put an end to gate camping on the exit side of a system, there might be an increase in super fast scramblers locking people down as they appear the other side of a gate after jumping, but this is much harder to do and requires some planning and spies in surrounding systems. Traders may find themselves ripped out of warp by more interdictors with warp bubbles, all good IMO.

So how does this work on the test server?
You now have the right click, warp to options of 0m, 10km, 20km, 30km, 50km, 70km, 100km, and 120km, if I remember correctly. These are available on any object you can normally ‘warp to..’ The ‘dock’ option on distant stations also makes you warp to 0m then insta-dock, while Auto-Pilot still uses the default 15km warp in distance. There is already a huge thread on the testing forums about this, 95% of people are in favour but there are the 5%, who probably are the kiddie gank-squads, who don’t like it cos it hurts gate camping. They will give some BS about it ruining EVE’s economy due to the lack of ships destroyed, but all they are moaning about is that they cant pop haulers at gates with their Scorpions and Ravens.
More to follow with more testing……


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